Power Industry

Combined Cycle Power Plants

Are YOU responsible for the critical operations in a CCPP or CCGT plant? Do you need to monitor temperature for pipes or instruments, detect when valves are “leaking by,” prevent trips on turbines, or comply with ISO requirements? Do you want to get to a pro-active rather than a reactive footing for maintenance and trouble prevention? If so, the DYMOCON solution is for you. 

CMI Lowers Plant Operating Costs in Three Key Areas

Energy Savings

By sensing the temperature of each individual pipe or instrument, the CMI module will turn on/off each circuit based upon its temperature requirement. Therefore, if the plant is running, and there is heat / flow in the pipe, there is no need to run the electric heat trace — even if the ambient temperature is low.

Heat Rate

Utilizing the flexibility and portability of the RTD temperature sensors / transceivers, the plant can measure both the upstream and downstream temperatures on critical valves, determining if the valve is “leaking by.” Thousands of dollars in cost savings PER VALVE can be achieved by increasing plant “heat rate” and increased operational efficiencies once the leaking valves have been diagnosed and repaired.

Unintended Trips

When a critical pipe, instrument line, instrument, valve, etc. is unavailable to properly operate the plant, and the plant experiences a “trip” and brings the steam turbine down unexpectedly, the cost to the plant is significant. Estimates for each “trip” range from $110,000 to $140,000 based upon the age of the turbine and the subsequent costs incurred by the plant in terms of fuel expense, ISO requirements, etc.

CMI Utilizes Planned Maintenance Versus Reactive Maintenance

Reactive Maintenance Is Expensive

When a plant encounters a “freeze up,” it requires immediate attention and significant time from plant personnel to resolve the issue. These conditions are always an “upset” and never a “scheduled occurrence,” so they take personnel away from doing constructive and revenue-generating activities. It’s always a double loss to the operations of the plant—

  • Lost revenues from poor or non-existent operations
  • Lost wages for utilizing plant personnel on non-productive activities

CMI Increases Longevity of Plant Systems

The electric heat trace cables themselves have a “life cycle.” The longer they’re on, the shorter is their usable lifespan. By having them on ONLY when they need to be on via the individual line temperature sensors, their usable life is extended, resulting in significant savings on replacement costs.